Make Sure Your Website Is Working For You
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Thursday, March 30, 2023
By Cindi Fortmann Photography
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Make Sure Your Website Is Working For You

Make Sure Your Website Is Working For You!

You want your business to grow, but it’s no longer enough to simply be good at what you do and expect customers to come pouring in. Today, you also have to have a strong online presence, and that starts with your website. If it can’t grow with you, then you’re destined to stand still and watch as the competition soars past you. That’s why Cindi Fortmann Photography offers the following tips for ambitious, up-and-coming entrepreneurs who need to increase their web presence.

Qualities of a Scalable Website 

Scalability is crucial when it comes to your website. But, what makes a website age and grow well? The answer is a combination of the factors listed below. 

  • Professionally Designed. Perhaps the most important factor in whether a website will grow with you or not is that it is professionally designed from the beginning. Why is this important? Because the website created by an expert will be sound technically. This means it will work when it’s supposed to and also feature all of the elements necessary to create both functional and aesthetic appeal.

  • Mobile. The vast majority of internet users today use their smartphones for everything from searching to shopping. CEO Magazine also notes that mobile web designs create a better user experience and may encourage customers to buy more. Your mobile website should include all pertinent information as well as a “one-click” calling option and a direct link to Google Maps leading your clients straight to your door.

  • Ability To Integrate. Ideally, your website will integrate with your professional tools, including any Enterprise Resource Planning or Customer Relationship Management programs you already use. Specific to your CRM, linking and full integration with your website can reduce customer attrition, reduce the workload on your administrative staff, and boost sales. Additionally, having the ability to take client payment is important for growth. Using a payment provider that incorporates a balance API provides consistency for your customers while avoiding expensive fees. A positive customer experience is essential to growing your business. 

  • Optimized. Your website must also be optimized so that search engines can find it. Web optimization includes many factors from the type of content you post to the speed at which your website loads, which affects bounce rate and on-page time. You also want to ensure that your website caters to users searching by location and that your contact information is consistent across your website, directories, and social media. It is important to note here that optimizing your website using SEO does not mean stuffing your content with keywords. This outdated practice is a fast track to getting your website overlooked.

  • Secure. According to website security firm SiteLock, a secure website will improve your search engine rankings. But, perhaps most importantly, security measures, such as using HTTPS communication protocol, encrypt your data and prove to site visitors that you’re trustworthy. Other ways to keep your website secure include requiring customers to use strong passwords and two-factor authentication before logging in.

  • Useful. If you want to drive more traffic to your website, increase conversions, and have happy customers, you need great content. This should include a regularly updated blog, expert product descriptions, and accurate data. Information on how to use your products or services, biographies of your leaders, and FAQs are all crucial. You can even post videos to showcase information that may be difficult to convey with the written word alone.

  • Streamlined for Teamwork. If you have a whole team working from your website, obviously, communication is crucial—as is the ability to objectively analyze your team's processes and outcomes. By using a process map to organize your project, you can pinpoint and address any potential areas for improvement.

Your website is a major part of your business, and the last thing you want it to do is to fade out before your company has had a chance to stand in the spotlight. It’s up to you to ensure that your digital presence can keep up with your physical efforts. From having your website professionally designed to keeping tabs on the type of content you post, all of the above ideas are great ways to keep your site scalable so that it can grow with you.

This article is brought to you by Cindi Fortmann Photography, where Cindi specializes in Professional Headshots, Commercial Photography, & Personal Brand Photography. Cindi Fortmann Photography is a full service studio providing you with awesome images, an enjoyable, relaxed experience and exceptional customer service. For more information, please visit her website or contact her today!

We specialize in creating awesome Professional Headshots & Personal Branding Images. Connect with us for more information or check out our Headshot & Branding gallery. Get more information about our Personal Branding Services.

We offer everything from Half Day Sessions to Quarterly Full Day Sessions that give you all the images you need to post on your social media platforms for a full 90 days!

Cindi Fortmann Photography is a full service studio, specializing in Professional Headshot, Commercial Photography, Personal Branding, and Portraits.  We are located in the heart of Johns Creek, serving the surrounding areas including Alpharetta, Roswell, Milton, Peachtree Corners, Duluth, Sandy Springs, Brookhaven and the Metro Atlanta area.

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